Package 'lpcover'

Title: LPCover: Functionality for integer programming methods for covering
Description: Integer programming functionality for different 'covering' optimizations as presented in Ke et al, "Efficient Representations of Tumor Diversity with Paired DNA-RNA Anomalies".
Authors: Wikum Dinalankara <[email protected]>, Luigi Marchionni <[email protected]>, Qian Ke <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Wikum Dinalankara <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.0.01
Built: 2025-03-01 05:06:37 UTC

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Cover a proportion of a given binary set with the smallest number of features


computeMinimalCovering(mat, alpha = 0.05, maxsol = 100, J = 1, solver = "")



A binary data matrix with each column corresponding to a sample and each row corresponding to a feature.


A value in the 0 <= alpha < 1 range indicating what proportion of samples to be considered as outlier. By default alpha = 0.05, indicating 95


maxsolThe number of optimal solutions to be returned. Default is 100.


JThe number of times each sample is to be covered. By default J=1, indicating that each sample is to be covered with at least one feature.


solverA character string indicating whether to use gurobi or lpSolve.

A list with items "obj": the objective returned by the optimization (as a vector), "sol": a character matrix of solutions(each column a solution), "r": a list where each element contains vectors of results obtained for x and lamba vectors, and "result": the direct output returned by the optimization (by either gurobi or lpSolve). Function for computing the minimal covering for a given binary data matrix given a minimum proportion of samples to cover optim.out = computeMinimalCovering(mat=mat, alpha=0.05, maxsol=1, J=1, solver="lpSolve")

cover, optimize