1. covid19census::it_bweight
    body-mass index
  2. covid19census::it_cancer
    cancer patients
  3. covid19census::it_chronic
    chronic conditions
  4. covid19census::it_dem
    Percent of population by region, sex and age. Data were collected in 2019 and indicate absolute number of people. Long format,
  5. covid19census::it_firstaid
    first aid
  6. covid19census::it_fl
    influenza vaccination coverage, general population, time series
  7. covid19census::it_fl65
    influenza vaccination coverage 2019
  8. covid19census::it_hospbed
    hospital beds
  9. covid19census::it_house
    housing crowding
  10. covid19census::it_netinc
    Net income
  11. covid19census::it_pm2.5
    particulate 2.5 italy
  12. covid19census::it_regions
    regions area
  13. covid19census::it_smoking
    smoking status
  14. covid19census::us_acm_househ
    household composition
  15. covid19census::us_dem
    age and sex
  16. covid19census::us_fl65
    influenza vaccination 65 or older
  17. covid19census::us_hospbeds
    hospital beds
  18. covid19census::us_mmd
    mapping medicare disparities
  19. covid19census::us_netinc
  20. covid19census::us_pm2.5
    particulate 2.5
  21. covid19census::us_poverty
  22. covid19census::us_race
  23. covid19census::us_season
    seasonal temperature and humidity
  24. divergence::breastTCGA_ER
    ER positive or negative status of breast tumor samples
  25. divergence::breastTCGA_Group
    Normal or Tumor status of breast samples
  26. divergence::breastTCGA_Mat
    Gene expression for 260 genes in 887 breast samples
    matrix|260 x 887
  27. divergence::msigdb_Hallmarks
    Cancer Hallmark gene sets from the MSigDB collection
  28. lpcover::mat
    matrix|100 x 207
  29. RTopper::dat
    A test dataset for the RTopper package
  30. RTopper::fgsList
    A list of Functional Gene Set (FGS) to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package
  31. RTopper::gseResultsSep
    A list of separated gene set enrichment p-values to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package
  32. RTopper::intScores
    A list of genomic scores integrated across distinct data sets to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package
  33. RTopper::pheno
    A test dataset for the RTopper package
  34. RTopper::sepScores
    A list of separate gene-to-phenotype association scores, obtained indipendently for each distinct data set to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package
  35. switchBox::matTesting
    Gene expression matrix for test set data
    matrix|70 x 307
  36. switchBox::matTraining
    Gene expression matrix for training set data
    matrix|70 x 78
  37. switchBox::testingGroup
    Testing set phenotypes
  38. switchBox::trainingGroup
    Training set phenotypes