- covid19census::it_bweightbody-mass index
- covid19census::it_cancercancer patients
- covid19census::it_chronicchronic conditions
- covid19census::it_demPercent of population by region, sex and age. Data were collected in 2019 and indicate absolute number of people. Long format,
- covid19census::it_firstaidfirst aid
- covid19census::it_flinfluenza vaccination coverage, general population, time series
- covid19census::it_fl65influenza vaccination coverage 2019
- covid19census::it_hospbedhospital beds
- covid19census::it_househousing crowding
- covid19census::it_netincNet income
- covid19census::it_pm2.5particulate 2.5 italy
- covid19census::it_regionsregions area
- covid19census::it_smokingsmoking status
- covid19census::us_acm_househhousehold composition
- covid19census::us_demage and sex
- covid19census::us_fl65influenza vaccination 65 or older
- covid19census::us_hospbedshospital beds
- covid19census::us_mmdmapping medicare disparities
- covid19census::us_netincus_netinc
- covid19census::us_pm2.5particulate 2.5
- covid19census::us_povertypoverty
- covid19census::us_racerace
- covid19census::us_seasonseasonal temperature and humidity
- divergence::breastTCGA_ERER positive or negative status of breast tumor samples
- divergence::breastTCGA_GroupNormal or Tumor status of breast samples
- divergence::breastTCGA_MatGene expression for 260 genes in 887 breast samples
- divergence::msigdb_HallmarksCancer Hallmark gene sets from the MSigDB collection
- lpcover::mat
- RTopper::datA test dataset for the RTopper package
- RTopper::fgsListA list of Functional Gene Set (FGS) to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package
- RTopper::gseResultsSepA list of separated gene set enrichment p-values to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package
- RTopper::intScoresA list of genomic scores integrated across distinct data sets to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package
- RTopper::phenoA test dataset for the RTopper package
- RTopper::sepScoresA list of separate gene-to-phenotype association scores, obtained indipendently for each distinct data set to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package
- switchBox::matTestingGene expression matrix for test set data
- switchBox::matTrainingGene expression matrix for training set data
- switchBox::testingGroupTesting set phenotypes
- switchBox::trainingGroupTraining set phenotypes